Extinction sounds was commissioned by the festival TronTalks 2023 in Tynset/Alvdal, Norway, and premiered on October 21st during the festival that year. In November 2024 a recording of the premiere was released on Elvesang records.
The work starts out from my vivid sensory childhood memories of sound from as a conceptual framework. A very personal approach for making music indeed, but at the same time Extinction sounds also examines more universal aspects of the nature of sound. Every sound, and our perception of it, vanishes and never comes back exactly as it was experienced in that moment. Such is the nature of sound. But what we hear, be it spoken words or the call of a bird, alter our subjective experience of reality and may trigger all kinds of emotional responses and intellectual processes. In Extinction sounds I try to examine this aspect of sound as a compositional tool in many ways, in a musical context where my own memories serve as a sonic painting palette.
Jon Balke - piano
Torben Snekkestad - saxophone and trumpet
Sara Övinge - violin
Bendik Bjørnstad Foss - viola
Tanja Orning - cello
Anders Kregnes Hansen - marimba and percussion
Veslemøy Narvesen - drums and percussion
Sigurd Hole – double bass
Martin Hufner / Neue Musik Zeitung